PROVA-6830A 전력분석계
- Analysis for 3P4W,3P3W,1P2W,1P3W - True RMS(실효치) Value(V123 and I123 ) - Active Power(W, KW, MW, GW) - Apparent and Reactive Power(KVA, KVAR) - Power Factor(PF: 역률), Phase Angle(Φ: 위상각) - Energy (WH, KWH, KVARH, PFH) - 0.1mA to 3000A 까지 전류측정 (Capable of analyzing IT standby power consumption to the maximum demand of a factory) - 하나의 스크린에서 35 Parameters를 Display(3P4W) - CT(1 ~ 600) 와 PT(1 ~ 3000)Ratios를 프로그래밍 - Display of overlapped Voltage and Current Waveform - Average Demand(AD in W, KW, MW) - KW, MW, KVA, MVA에서 최대 Demand(기간 설정) - 99차까지 고조파 분석 - 파형으로 하나의 스크린에서 50차 고조파 Display - Waveform with Peak Values(1024 Samples/Period) Display - Total Harmonic Distortion(%THD-F) 분석 - Graphic Phasor Diagram with 3 Phase System Parameters - Capture 28 Transient Events(Time+Cycles) with Programmable Threshold(%) - DIP, SWELL, OUTAGE가 Transient Event에 포함 - 3 Phase Voltage or Current Unbalance Ratio(VUR, IUR) - 3 Phase Voltage or Current Unbalance Factor(d0%, d2%) - Calculated Unbalance Current through Neutral Line(In) - 512K Memory with Programmable interval 간격 조절가능(2 ~ 3000초, 17,000 records for 3P4W) - Output of Waveform, Power Parameters and Harmonics at Command - 백라이트 기능 대형 Dot Matrix LCD - Optical Isolated RS-232 to USB interface - Built-in timer and calendar for data logging - Option: Prova-310XP(Portable Thermal Printer)